Aleksandra Nędzi-Marek

Barrister fluent in English, Bosnian and Polish, Balkan soul

„Since I remember, I have always dreamed of helping people. After all, bearing the name Aleksandra (Greek: defender of people), I didn’t have much choice.”

Aleksandra Nędzi-Marek graduated from Legal Studies at the University of Silesia with the overall grade very good. After that she studied Human Rights and Democratization at the University of Bologna and the University of Sarajevo.

In that period she grasped Bosnian and the other languages of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Later on, she worked at the University of Sarajevo, as an Academic Tutor and an academic. At that time she worked as a lawyer, dealing with issues of Transitional Justice, International Criminal Law (including the procedures before International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia), human rights and International Law. Before her return to Poland, she lived in Vienna and worked for the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. During her Barrister apprenticeship, she cooperated with renowned law offices in Cracow and Warsaw, where she learned from experienced lawyers. After passing the bar exam with very good mark, she was admitted to practice by the Cracow Regional Bar Association. From 2014 until 2016 she studied Canon Law in Cracow. Aleksandra Nędzi-Marek not only runs her own Law Firm in Cracow and Skawina, however she works all over Poland. She has multiple business and legal contacts in the Western Balkan region. She occasionally takes part in research projects and publishes her legal researches.  Since 2013, she has been working as a court lawyer, which gives the best guarantee of a professional solution to your legal problems.

Since 2020 she has been the Vice-President of Women’s Association of the Cracow Bar Association. She is also a member of Local Ethical Council on Laboratory Experiments and a member of the Equal Treatment Council of Cracow. 

In 2022 she gained BA in Canon Law of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, which entitles her to represent people before Canon courts, mainly in cases for the annulment of Canon marriage. 

Since 2023 she has been a Board Member of the Polish Center for Torture Survivors. 

She consults and leads cases in Polish, English, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian and Montenegrin. 

She provides trainings and expert opinions on the Polish legal system in the aforementioned languages. She also provides trainings on the rights of victims/survivors, including those of Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV), Family Law and Human Rights Law. 


List of publications:

Aleksandra Nędzi-Marek, „Law, Politics, and Ideology in the Aftermath of the Biljana Plavšić’s ICTY Trial” w: Legal Scholarship and the Political: In Search of a New Paradigm, A. SulikowskiR. MańkoJ. Łakomy, C.H. Beck, Warszawa, 2021

Aleksandra Nędzi-Marek, „Porównanie konkordatów Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej i Republiki Chorwacji na tle uwarunkowań historycznych”, Kraków, 2021

Klaus Bachmann, Gerhard Kemp,  Irena Ristić, Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc, Ana Ljubojević, Aleksandra Nędzi-Marek, Fortunee Bayisenge, Mohammed Ali Mohammed Ahmet and Vjollca Krasniqi „Like Dust before the Wind, or, the Winds of Change? The Influence of International Criminal Tribunals on Narratives and Media Frames”, International Journal of Transitional Justice, 2019, 0, 1–19,

Aleksandra Nędzi-Marek „ICTY trials and media frames in Republika Srpska: Plavšić and Lukić & Lukić” w: International Criminal Tribunals as Actors of Domestic Change The Impact on Media Coverage, Vol. 1, Peter Lang Publishing, 2019 (LINK)

Aleksandra Nędzi-Marek, Irena Ristić, Jagoda Gregulska, „The ICTY’s Impact on Institutional Changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, w: International Criminal Tribunals as Actors of Domestic Change The Impact on Institutional Reform, Vol. 1, Peter Lang Publishing, 2019 (LINK) 

Aleksandra Nędzi, „Reparations to the Families of Missing Persons in BiH: International and State Responses to Enforced Disappearances in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013 (LINK)

Are Bosnian and Herzegovinian victims of wartime rape finally being given constructive attention?,  2012

What is normality anyway? Srebrenica 15 years after genocide, Sarajevo, Novi Pogledi,  Sarajevo, 2010

Entrenched Customs Die Hard…’ Can Harmful Traditional Practices Be Justified by Cultural Relativism of Human Rights? Case Study of FGM, 2010

Lawyer Krakow